“Suzzanne Ponomarenko Dance stunned the audience with an interpretation that encapsulated the energetic qualities that organically emerge when humans are in communion with nature.”

“Suzzanne Ponomarenko’s choreography was clever, with no extraneous moves- everything was distilled to the essential gesture and physical expression, which was deeply satisfying to see. ”
– NY Theatre Guide Review. Held The Musical.

“Some of the finest dancers out there with truly innovative and exciting movement. Especially loved the solos, the duet, and the ending. I’m not in the dance community but found the work to be accessible and emotionally riveting.”
– Dance Enthusiast Audience Review

“Some of the finest dancers out there with truly innovative and exciting movement. Especially loved the solos, the duet, and the ending. I’m not in the dance community but found the work to be accessible and emotionally riveting.”
– Dance Enthusiast Audience Review

“Lovely, lovely, lovely dancing that brightened up my day!”
– Resident of the New East Side Nursing Home